



BEIJING - Premier Wen Jiabao on Tuesday urged Chinese youths to work hard and be persistent in achieving their goals while he spent more than two hours chatting with young people on the eve of China's Youth Day.

在报道中,China's Youth Day就是“中国青年节”,而on the eve of Youth Day就是“在青年节前夕”的意思。 青年节为了纪念1919年以反对帝国主义(imperialism),弘扬民主(democracy)与科学(science) 为目的的五四运动(May Fourth Movement)而设立的。中国共产党领导下的先进青年组织是中国共产主义青年团(China Communist Youth League),简称共青团。

youth有“青年人,年轻人”的意思。而婴儿是infant,儿童是children,少年是early youth,中年是the middle-aged,而老年人则是the old。


Chinese Youth Day, held on the 4th of May each year, commemorates the May 4th Movement of 1919, a patriotic and anti-imperialist movement.

In 1919, a peace conference was held in Paris; representatives of the Chinese government were there to demand that imperial countries should let go of their privileges in China, as well as cancelling Japan’s 21 Items, Germany should return sovereignty of Shandong to China, etc. These demands were not met and indeed Germany’s privileges in Shandong were passed not back to China but to Japan, making the population of China angry when they heard the news. On the 4th of May, there was a vast parade held in Tiananmen Square by around 3,000 students – this was China’s first ever student protest. They presented a petition to the state president, but the warlord government suppressed it which angered people even more. Businessmen, students and workers called a strike, the students’ parade eventually forming into a national patriotic movement.

The warlord government was forced to compromise on the 10th of June and, on the 28th of June, Chinese representatives refused to sign the Paris Peace Treaty. The news shocked the imperialist countries and so far, what was proposed has mostly been achieved.

The 4th of May was a landmark event that fuelled a new cultural movement which values democracy and science above feudalism. The modern Chinese language, science and democracy have been advocated since.

Everyone over the age of 14 on this day has a half-day holiday to mark the occasion.



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