
成人英语笑话:It would hurt you


It would hurt you 它会伤害到你

"Why is it that three of our four children have black hair but little Jim is a blond? Whose child is Jim?"

"I can't tell you the truth," said his wife after a long pause. "it would hurt you too much."

"Oh, don't be ridiculous," he insisted. "I don't mind who the father is. I'm just curious."

The wife ffinally confessed. "Well, if you really want to know, Jim is your child."



“ 哦,别无聊了,”他坚持着,“我不在乎他的父亲是谁,只是好奇而已。”


Is this a Promise or Threat 是许诺还是威胁


"My friend, I say I had some trouble." A man said to his friend, "Yesterday I had words with(争吵) my wife. After that she punched the door and rushed out angrily with the word that she would live with her mother. Please help me. Is this a promise or a threat?" "Do you think there are differences between the two?" his friend asked. "Yes, quite a lot. If it is a promise, that means that my wife is sure to be with her mother, and if a threat, that my mother-in-law will move and live with us."

“听我说,朋友,我遇上麻烦了。”一个男人对他的朋友说,“昨天我和妻子吵了一架,她怒气冲冲地摔门走了,并宣称说她要和她母亲住在一起。你替我想想,这是许诺,还是威胁呢?” “这两者有什么区别吗?”朋友问。 “不,区别太大了。如果它是承诺的话,那就是说它肯定是要和她妈妈一起住;要是威胁呢,那就意味着我岳母要搬到我家来住。”

Who is this man 这个男人是谁


Charles came home at four in the morning and found his wife lying awake in the bed. "Where you until this hour of the morning?" She screamed. Ignoring what she asked, Charelrs opened his bedroom closet and found a naked man cringing on the floor. Chareles asked, "Who is this man?" "Don't change the subject!" replied his wife.

查尔斯早上四点回家,发现她的太太醒着躺在床上。"你在什么地方待到这个时候?"她尖叫道。 查尔斯不顾她问什么,打开他卧室的衣橱,发现一个赤裸裸的男人蜷缩在地板上。 查尔斯问“这人是谁?” “别转移话题!”他太太回答。

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