

导语:会讲笑话的人都是有好人缘的人,所以我们要多亲近一些笑话大王们。现在小编也来当笑话大王啦!美文故事小编给大家收集整理了不得不笑的英语笑话,一起来笑笑,收集好人缘吧!1 临死之时

Nearing the end, Stanislaw is surrounded by loved ones. As the final moment approaches, he gathers all his strength and whispers, "I must tell you my greatest secret." His family urges him to go on.


"Before I got married, I had it all," Stanislaw explains. "Fast cars, cute girls, and plenty of money. But a good friend warned me, 'Get married and start a family. Otherwise, no one will be there to give you a glass of water to drink when you're on your deathbed.' So I took his advice. I traded the girls for a wife, beer for baby food. I sold my Ferrari and invested in college funds. And now here we are. And you know what?"




"I'm not even thirsty!"


2 冰箱里的储蓄罐

My cousin always "borrows" money from her older brother's piggy bank, which drives him crazy.


One day, she found the piggy in, of all places, the refrigerator.


Inside was this note: "Dear sister, I hope you'll understand, but my capital has been frozen."


3 我为什么逃避手术

A man was seen fleeing down the hall of the hospital just before his operation.


"What's the matter?" he was asked.


He said, "I heard the nurse say, 'It's a very simple operation, don't worry, I'm sure it will be all right.'"


"She was just trying to comfort you, what's so frightening about that?"


"She was talking to the damn doctor!"


4 The Effectiveness of Advertisement广告的效力

Some businessmen were talking about advertising on TV excitedly. As none of them had ever done it before, every one had his point of view.


At this moment, Mr. Grey came by. Grey was a car dealer and he had once made an advertisement.


"What are you talking about?" Mr. Grey asked.


"Does advertisement work or not?" one of the businessmen asked.


"Oh, yes, it works very fast," Mr. Grey said. " I once advertised for my watch-dog and offered a reward of $100."


"Did you get the dog back?"


"No, but that very night three of my cars were stolen."


5 A man went to visit a friend and was amazed to find him playing chess with his dog.


He watched the game in astonishment for a while.


"I can hardly believe my eyes!" he exclaimed. "That's the smartest dog I've ever seen."


"Nah, he's not so smart," the friend replied. "I've beaten him three games out of five."


6 To be on the Safe Side保证没走错

In a cinema during a performance one of the audience gets up, makes his way along the row of seats and goes out into the foyer.


A few minutes later he returns and asks the man sitting at the head of the row:


"Excuse me, was it your foot I stepped on when I was going out a moment ago?"


"Yes, but it doesn't really matter. It didn't hurt at all."


"Oh, no, it isn't that. I only want to make sure that this is my row."




总是有些时候莫名其妙的不开心,心情不佳的时候就会办什么都不在状态,你会这样么?这里小编收集整理了爆笑英语小笑话带翻译,让你的心情速速好起来。爆笑英语小笑话带翻译一:A Boy with a Big…


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笑话是日常生活中人们消遣娱乐的一种常见语言现象,其目的在于在会话过程中传递和激发幽默感。四年级英语笑话短文一:How to be like a gentlemanDick was seven…


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以下是小编为大家整理的笑死人的英语笑话段子大全,更多精彩笑话尽在美文故事笑话栏目,欢迎欣赏!笑死人的英语笑话段子大全(一)You Are Too LateOn the bus a man…




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